Free hand stone – April 2020

I enjoy doing free hand sketches as a way of getting something purely imaginative down as an actual image. The stone above I did as a practice in both shadow and texturing, first picturing it mentally as clear as possible, and then getting as much as possible down. However, part of the final design are always made underway. Once something is down it sparks an idea for more details and adjustments, which again spark more ideas. I think this is a good feedback process in when designing something, also when 3D modelling. At least to get something down on paper before jumping on the computer.

“Dead” – April 2020

I drew this simply because I wanted to draw a rattle snake. I already had a very clear idea of how I wanted it to look, so I did not use any references. Once the snake was done it looked terribly hungry, so I made sure it had something to eat.

Mushrooms and other forest floor creatures – April 2020

I very much enjoy designing small objects, usually of the kind we not that often notice in our every day life. For more sketches and some landscape drawings see the Sketching page.