At the age of 12 I got my first DSLR camera and have played around with it since. Here are some of my favorite pictures.

Kerala, India – 2015

This macro picture of a water lily I took on a trip to India. I particularly enjoy how the lighting makes the flower almost glow.

Portugal – 2012

This is one of my very first pictures, taken at a random beach in Portugal. I am still quite satisfied with how I managed to capture the feel of that moment.

Tokyo, Japan – 2019

I lived 1 year in Tokyo. Japan is about as photogenic as it gets, so naturally I took a whole bunch of pictures. This is one of them.

Larsbreen glacier, Svalbard – 2020

This year I lived on Svalbard, about as far north as it gets. This is a country shaped and dominated by ice. I took this picture inside a melt water channel in one of the countless glaciers there. Without a headlamp everything would be pitch black, but turn it on and the light will be reflected in a thousand different shapes of ice.

For more pictures see the Photography page.