
Astrid Polesynski Hoel

3D generalist who somehow ended up with a masters degree in Biotechnology first. As a side hobby I like digital painting and photography (as well as an non-insignificant amount of gaming). I have a weak spot for anything fantastic, in particular steam punk and sci-fi themed. I’ve lived in Norway, Japan, Svalbard and have been lucky enough to visit a bunch of other places over the world. I think one of the coolest things as an artist is to draw inspiration from completely different cultures and places, mash it all together, and… well, do art stuff with it!

Proficiency with artistic software:
Photoshop: Moderate
DaVinci Resolve: Basic
Blender: Advanced
3DS Max: Basic
Substance Painter: Moderate
PlayCanvas: Advanced
Unity: Basic
Unreal Engine: Basic

Programming knowledge:
C++/C: Moderate
Javascript: Moderate
Python: Basic
Matlab: Moderate
R: Moderate
CUDA: Basic